Our Vedder Price work featured in a new UK Interface Design book.
Hot off the presses:
Our design and website work for Vedder Price was prominently featured in a new book from the United Kingdom called “Interface Design – An Introduction to Visual Communication in UI Design” available on Amazon.
The book discusses how to design successful user interfaces and “clear and effective visual communication.”
In this book, Dave Wood “introduces the major elements of graphic design for digital media, including layout, colour, iconography, imagery and typography, and explains how these visual communication basics can combine to produce positive interactive experiences.”
It looks like a fascinating book. 
Our work was for Vedder’s world-class Aviation and Global Transportation Finance practice. We developed two very different but equally compelling advertising campaigns, which we turned into website home page designs.
We compared the effectiveness of these designs using sophisticated eye-track software. By measuring the viewers’ eye movements as they passed over the pages, we could tell what they looked at, in what order, and for how long. We could tell how well our messages were getting across, and how much time they spent reading each design element, including the words in different sections vs. looking at the different pictures.
Contrasting two very different designs, we found the one that most clearly conveyed our message. And we did so on a reasonable budget. Powerful stuff.