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I’ve never seen business cards distributed like THIS before.

I was walking through a large public parking lot recently when I passed by this car with a magnetic sign on the door selling Pre-Paid Legal Services.

Mildly interesting from a marketing perspective, it was a nice little movable billboard, and possibly a way to get a nice tax write-off for occasional use of the car.

But as I approached, I saw it –  Affixed to the car was a clear plastic spring-loaded flip-top box with a sign that said “BUSINESS CARDS. Take one.” 

Would you try something like this?

It’s a down-market strategy, but this lawyer’s target audience seems blue collar, where they might not have easy access to a direct referral.

Obviously you should use the tools that are right for your audience.  I wonder if this worked…

CAR magnetic sticker Prepaid Legal  Business card 3

CAR magnetic sticker Prepaid Legal  Business card 4
CAR magnetic sticker Prepaid Legal  Business card