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We get it, taglines are hard.

One of history’s most common law firm taglines is “Committed to Quality” or its general equivalent.  Committed to quality service, committed to quality representation, committed to high-quality legal this or that.

I think we can all agree that if your law firm’s tagline is truly unique and differentiating, it shouldn’t apply equally well to White Castle hamburgers.  Now I’ve been a fan of Sliders since late-night college road trips, but I wouldn’t want my law firm to emulate its marketing.

I’m just suggesting that if your powerfully differentiating marketing theme could be used just as persuasively and credibly by an organization selling greasy 2.5-inch square burgers to the 2:00 am drive-up crowd, perhaps you should take another look at how differentiating it truly is?

Don’t believe me? Why don’t you go ask Wanda? (Or ask Karen if Wanda is unavailable.)


Looking for a speaker for your upcoming retreat, CLE, or marketing training? Give Ross a call at 847.432.3546 or
