“We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Marketers” Ad. Oops. I love flipping through those “Super Duper Leading Best Lawyers” magazine inserts. The sales force already sold the lawyers on the urgent need to buy a $10,000 full-page ad alongside dozens or…
“We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Marketers” Ad. Oops. I love flipping through those “Super Duper Leading Best Lawyers” magazine inserts. The sales force already sold the lawyers on the urgent need to buy a $10,000 full-page ad alongside dozens or…
The legal profession’s BEST 2010 ad. We won! Just back from the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) annual conference at the Disney Yacht & Beach Club in Orlando, along with over 1,100 attendees, speakers, and vendors. As always, the LMA’s annual Your Honor Awards included hundreds of high-quality…