Lawyers — curious about ChatGPT but not sure where (or how) to begin? Join me for a free, highly-rated CLE session on ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Law — a practical, hands-on guide that’s already earned 5-star reviews at…
Lawyers — curious about ChatGPT but not sure where (or how) to begin? Join me for a free, highly-rated CLE session on ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Law — a practical, hands-on guide that’s already earned 5-star reviews at…
In your state, can a lawyer claim to “specialize”? Marketing is an essential aspect of any law firm’s operations. Lawyers need to adhere to strict ethical guidelines regarding the marketing of their services. Rule 7.4 of the ABA Model Rules…
Social media makes trial publicity so easy. Be careful. Public relations professionals play a crucial role in publicizing their law firm clients’ trials, but they must also be mindful of the ethical considerations involved. Publicists have a responsibility to balance…
Law schools rarely teach students legal-marketing ethics rules. As legal professionals, lawyers are held to a high standard of ethics when it comes to marketing their services. The American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct outline the ethical…
Marketing can be an ethical minefield for lawyers and their marketers. Lawyers face unique challenges when it comes to marketing their services. While they are expected to advertise and promote their practice like any other business, they are also bound…
Lawyers can be intimidating to laypeople. Lawyers are bound by ethical guidelines when it comes to marketing their legal services. Rule 7.3 of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct regulates the solicitation of clients through advertising and marketing. Violating…
This webinar has received 5-star reviews from 100 law and CPA firms and associations worldwide (see below). Don’t you hate programs that are long on theory but short on tangible takeaways? In this fun and fast-paced session, Ross will share 20+…
Marketing education is critical in today’s economy. Most marketers and marketing committee members routinely attend high-quality marketing programs. It’s so much a part of the job description that it can be hard to remember that most lawyers rarely get any sort…
Marketing and Biz Dev Training for Litigators A marketer asked whether litigators require unique marketing and client-development training. She’d been hearing from the litigators that they felt the nature of a litigation practice is somehow different, that it requires special techniques and training. They…
Should we offer marketing training to our summer associates? Yes. But only under certain restrictions. I’ve been asked to conduct a lot of summer-associate training over the years, but only rarely have I done it exclusively for the summer kids….