Waterfall Attorneys

Redesign of brand, including logo and collateral materials
Waterfall background engages users and sets a tone or the overall brand.
Waterfall, Economidis, Caldwell, Hanshaw & Villamana, PC is one of Tucson, Arizona’s largest and finest full-service firms. We built the WordPress website using a full-screen animation of a waterfall. The words appear as the waterfall rushes down the screen. We launched the website supported by public relations and print advertising in the local Tucson business papers. 


Web Design

WordPress Website Features

  • Integrated Marketing Campaigns
  • Responsive Design for Mobile/Tablets
  • Fishman Marketing’s Legal Platform
  • Mega Menu & Animated Footer menu
  • Enhanced Attorney Profile Grid with Hover effects
  • Integrated video backgrounds
  • Collapsible menu
  • Print to PDF features


Some large and well-known regional firms have opened satellite offices in Tucson, increasing the competition for the most-sophisticated work and best lawyers. The lawyers are friendly, honest, and smart. Their clients love them and how they dedicated they are to their needs. The lawyers are “in the fox hole” with their clients.


We overhauled the egalitarian logo, emphasizing “Waterfall” and designing the W to create a sense of movement. This strong message is supported by an equally strong tag line, “As Powerful as Our Name.”

The firm is “As Powerful as Our Name”

We saw a branding opportunity using the firm’s memorable first name. Waterfall is a positive word, connoting strength, confidence, and nature, all good words in a beautiful desert like Tucson. The idea of a Waterfall is particularly relevant today, in the middle of an historic drought. We built the marketing platform using dramatic photos of waterfalls, and headlines that describe their skills and professionalism.

We also changed the URL from the hard-to-remember “WECHV.com” to WaterfallAttorneys.com. (Although we might have preferred “WaterfallLawyers.com,” we wanted to avoid a URL with three consecutive Ls.)